After years of waiting, it is great news that works are close to starting on the Wakehurst Parkway to improve safety and dramatically reduce closures due to flooding. However, it is not good enough that we are still waiting for action on Mona Vale Road.
More than a year ago the NSW State Government delayed the upgrade of the western side of Mona Vale Road, leaving our community with a half-completed project. In the meantime, Mona Vale Road remains an accident blackspot. Data collated by my office shows that since 2019 there have been 68 crashes on this road, resulting in two fatalities and 21 serious accidents, with a further 17 classified as moderate.
Despite this being a State Government project, it is such an important issue for the people of the Northern Beaches that I have been pushing the NSW State Roads Minister and government to urgently put this project back on the agenda. Premier Chris Minns was asked on ABC Sydney radio in August about the delays in completing the upgrade of Mona Vale Road. He said he would “take it on notice”.
I am strongly urging the Premier to bite the bullet and restart the Western Side upgrade. This is an important state project and vital for the economy of our region and the people of the Northern Beaches. Traffic jams and accidents cost us all dearly.
Procurement for the Western side upgrade is currently due to start in the fourth quarter of 2025 with the $340 million project due to be completed in 2029. That is far too long for the people of the Northern Beaches to wait. Committing to finishing this project would be a huge boon for our community who have waited decades for this project to be undertaken. It’s likely to feature in the by-election for Pittwater and I will be raising it at every opportunity in Canberra and with relevant State Ministers.
Save the Aussie Bush campaign
I know the people of the Northern Beaches really value our natural environment, which is why I am asking all of you who enjoy camping, bushwalking or a quiet moment in nature to join my campaign to Save the Aussie Bush (savetheaussiebush.com) and our unique animals that depend on it.
The Australian bush, with all its incredible creatures, is the embodiment of Australia. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the animals and the insects it houses are uniquely Australian, to be found nowhere else on this planet. But Australia leads the world when it comes to mammal extinctions. Many of our unique species like the iconic koala, black glossy cockatoo, and the greater glider are now listed as endangered. Scientists say urgent action is required to reverse the decline.
Our native forests and woodlands face two main threats: land clearing for agriculture and loss of habitat through native forest logging of our state-owned forests. We are one of the global land clearing hotspots in the world.
I’m focusing my efforts to save the Aussie bush on bringing an end to native forest logging. Victoria and Western Australia have already announced an end to native forest logging. Laggard states like NSW and Tasmania should do the same. However, we need our federal government to lead.
I and my crossbench colleagues are pushing hard for the Albanese government to end the exemption for state logging operations from federal environment law. I am calling for this to happen before the international “Nature Positive” summit being hosted by our Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, in Sydney in October.
More from Dr Sophie
Head here for more Tawny Frogmouth articles, news and updates from Dr Sophie Scamps, Independent MP for Mackellar
Keep up to date with Dr Sophie Scamps MP’s initiatives at sophiescamps.com.au