How many times have you laid out beautifully prepared, incredibly nutritious, mouth-wateringly scrumptious cuisine in front of your little angels only to have them greet it with, “What’s that?! Are they vegetables? Why’s it all so green? Yuck!! No way, I’m not eating that! No chance.”
And unless you’re equipped with the negotiation skills of a UN peacekeeper, the bullying prowess of Gordon Ramsay, or the persuasive, mind control abilities of the US mass media, the inevitable outcome of this all-too-common mealtime combat will be a juvenile’s victory whereby a heavily processed, slickly marketed, sugar-coated, carbo-loaded, southern-fried, nutrient free meal will end in your child’s belly, not the pristine dish you so lovingly created.
Well, take comfort in knowing you are not alone. A recent study conducted by the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare placed children’s nutrition number 4 in a list of 29 concerns parents had for their children. Another study from Cancer Australia found less than 15% of Australians eat the recommended servings of 4-5 cups of vegetables daily.
It need not be this way a moment longer. Parent’s prayers have been answered. An invincible weapon in the fight for healthy nourishment supremacy has been unearthed that not even the Golden Arches or the Colonel’s secret herbs, spices and industrial drums of frying oil can compete with. I speak, of course, of Microgreens, Manly Microgreens no less!
These little Manly Microgreen babies – literally babies, the infantile, nubile, newborn gems of the herbivorous kingdom – pack up to 40 times more nutrients than their adult veggie counterparts. We all knew ageing was grim, but for wise vegetable elders, the nutrient riches that once coursed their photosynthetic cells shrivel away at a pace nearing light speed. Shame for them, but to the youth go the spoils, and within the Microgreens reside the power punch of nutrients.
So, if your little angels, bless them and preserve them, find eating vegetables a challenge, you need only sneak half a pot of Microgreens into their diets each day to ensure they get the equivalent of their entire daily veggie requirement which would otherwise necessitate 4-5 cups.
Parents already armed with Microgreen artillery find the easiest way to weave them into their kids’ diet is by sprinkling the green shoots in their school lunches, mixing them in with their favourite fruit juice smoothies, or blending them through their favourite dishes.
Popular flavours for kids are Broccoli, Red Cabbage, and Pea Shoots. These are mild on flavour and big on nutrition. For Mums and Dads, there are spicier flavours and textures available, still just as nutritious!
Don’t lose the nutrition wars ever again, make sure Manly Microgreens are in your dietary arsenal. Manly Microgreens Co. deliver these Living Superfoods throughout the Northern Beaches, ensuring they have the least impact on the environment by not using any plastic packaging, and growing their microgreen goods only in chemical free soil, sourced locally using a fraction of the space, water and food miles of conventional vegetable farming.
Click here for 54 pages of amazing Microgreens recipes.