How long have you lived on the Northern Beaches?
For the past 16 years – minus a couple of years living in Germany – and have had the pleasure of residing in Manly, Freshwater, Dee Why and Cromer. There are so many gorgeous suburbs.
What inspired the painting for this month’s cover?
I had, and still have a collage project that is yet to come to fruition, using Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate wrappers that I have been collecting for almost 5 years now. During the process of developing the idea, I came up with the thought of using an anatomical heart to be part of it. Then the name “My Dark Heart Project” came about. I started doodling small hearts with patterns and then a flood of ideas around different types of hearts evolved. I have at least 10 of these hearts – all My “something” Heart. The anatomical heart became more stylised and quite a number of the hearts are quirkier and a play on words. This Tawny cover is “My Papillon Heart” and is based on butterfly wings.

What inspires you in general?
Essentially my feelings. Whatever is inside me that needs a path out. I was a dancer growing up and in early adulthood. That was my way of expressing myself. I’ve always been musical and creative. My art is just another extension of that. My painting always involves music and inevitably dancing during the process.
How would you describe your art?
Describing my art is difficult. I have several different ways of working. I started with collage works, then abstract painting has become a real passion. The hearts are an exciting project. I also adore working with clay. If I had to put it in a nutshell my style is bold in colour, sometimes erratic and wild, and most of it evokes a feeling of movement.
What is your favourite part of the process?
When painting abstracts it is the very beginning. This is where I let loose with colours and chaos! This is the wild, free part, where it’s pure fun and there is no direction, just joy in creating. With the hearts it is the ending where I can see the finished idea in completion, it’s very satisfying.
Which artists or inspiring people, dead or alive, would you most like to have dinner with?
There was a book released earlier this year by Katy Hessel called The Story of Art Without Men. I would happily have dinner with every one of the women in this book. However, to be a tad cliché: Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keefe and Lindy Lee would be high on the list. Then there’s the dancer Gabrielle Roth and the amazing Gina Chick! I’m of a generation where I still struggle with the juggle of trying to be everything to everyone. These women forged their own path and ways of working that honoured themselves and their creative natures.
What are you currently working on?
I’m preparing for a Solo Exhibition called “Colour, Light and Energy” being held at the Northern Beaches Gallery, opening Saturday 18 January, for two weeks. I’ll also be showcasing more hearts at a group exhibition called “Where’s Your Head At” curated by @c._art._el at Luna Studio in Newtown, opening 5 February 2025. Running alongside that is extending My Heart Series into t-shirts, bags, badges, and stickers. And I’m always working on abstracts, along with other diverse projects.
What’s your favourite thing about what you do?
Everything! If I was able to create all day long, I would. I love listening to music, dancing, and painting simultaneously. It’s a full mind/body work out. It’s truly my happy place.
How can people support your work?
Visit my Instagram and website or, even better, come to an exhibition!