You may have heard that your Council has slashed our annual electricity costs and reduced our carbon emissions by going renewable. And yeah, we are quite proud of it.
Northern Beaches Council is committed to reducing its emissions and costs, and in the past financial year alone, electricity costs for Council buildings and sites were slashed by $321,690 and electricity costs for street lighting were reduced by $201,870. All whilst prices are going up. And it gets better. At this rate, we’re well on our way to reaching our target to be a net zero Council by 2030. That’s not far away!
Just in terms of our energy use alone we have come leaps and bounds in the last 4 years. How have we done this? Our major savings were all achieved through Council’s 100% renewable electricity Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), along with our work at improving energy efficiency. And, of course, our commitment to installing more solar panels on council properties.
Did you know that according to APVI (Australian PV Institute) there are over 60,000 houses on the Northern Beaches that have the potential for solar. So, what can Government do to convert them to solar? Are you one of those of 60,000 properties and if so, what is stopping you from putting solar on? If it saves you money and helps us reach net zero quicker, win and win. Especially as Electricity prices are only getting higher.
We’re Simplifying Solar for you on our website, including SunSPoT DIY Solar Suitability Check and our popular Solar Conversations – learn more at northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
By investing in solar and switching to renewable energy, we’ve reduced our emissions by around 80% and slashed our energy costs. It’s a win for the community with savings directed back into infrastructure upgrades and community projects right across the Northern Beaches.
We are proud to be part of a future-minded community that actively champions sustainability and climate change action on the Northern Beaches. In 2022 we have not just ‘met’ our corporate emission reduction targets – we have exceeded them well ahead of time.
Solar installations on Council properties and the PPA are together expected to achieve savings of over $2.4 million over 7 years, compared with forward energy cost estimates. Our PPA with Iberdrola-owned Bodangora Wind Farm has reduced Council’s overall corporate carbon emissions by around 20,000 tonnes. Ausgrid’s Accelerated Residential Streetlight replacement project, which is more than 90% complete on the Northern Beaches, has also contributed to Council’s street lighting energy savings. It’s estimated to save Council more than $1.7 million over ten years. It will also reduce Council’s carbon emissions by 3,000 tonnes a year.
Let’s all keep choosing renewable energy on the Northern Beaches, because together as a community we can bring about great change for our environment. And now as we convert our fleet to Electric, and support 3rd parties like Ausgrid/ Jolt to introduce free charging stations for our residents and visitors, there has never been a better time to convert to an EV and for Council to continue to invest in renewables. If it saves us money and cuts our emissions and helps our community, why wouldn’t we do it?
Finally, there are so many other simple things we can do. Plant a native tree outside your house. Take a bicycle instead of the car. Encourage your friends and family to go solar. Little simple and effective things. Every little action helps.