What is Serenity Now Sliding Door Repairs?
The Northern Beaches’ best sliding door repair service for aluminium glass doors, wood sliding doors, French doors, patio doors, Bi-fold doors, fly screen doors, all doors, even pet doors for your four-legged best mate.
What inspired the idea?
Assisting an elderly mother struggling with opening her doors, unable to fully enjoy her home, then realising no business was saving tracks or providing the best anti-corrosive products on the market from around the world for repairing sliding doors.
What convinced you to start the business?
That I truly enjoy seeing the smile on people’s faces once a door problem has been solved properly. It compares to seeing a customer try a new drink or dish and they’re genuinely surprised how good it is.
Had you worked in this field originally?
No, I’ve got a background in business development, hospitality and security, but have worked with my hands on all manner of wood, aluminium, lighting and other projects from a young age.
Who are your customers?
Anyone with a door not working as it should who’d like a free quote, which includes all local residents, businesses, strata companies and managers on the Northern Beaches and North Shore.

How exactly does it work?
We look at every possible problem preventing a door from sliding then ensure those problems cannot reappear within a minimum of 5 years. A door repair can last over 15 years if the cleaning and maintenance tips are followed closely and routinely.
What have been your biggest triumphs?
When you fix a door that no other company can. There are a few in every suburb.
What advice would you tell yourself and others before starting a business?
Complete thorough research and talk to everyone you can before investing a cent, then plan your work and work your plan, get started, ignore the noise, stick with your gut, and never buy inferior parts to save dollars.
Simply call Serenity Now Sliding Door Repairs or send a picture of your troublesome door and secure a free 15 minute on site quote anywhere on the Northern Beaches, Middle Harbour, Pittwater or North Shore of Sydney.
Any doors at your home or office not sliding, swinging, or shutting properly?
Call Serenity Now Sliding Door Repairs on 0452 33 66 77 for a free quote and to ensure the best price, advice, service and parts.
Visit serenitynowslidingdoorrepairs.com.au
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