I recently celebrated my first anniversary as your independent member for Wakehurst. Some days are frustrating, most days are challenging, but I can honestly say, I love being your independent voice in NSW Parliament. I promised to be a safe pair of hands and work hard to deliver smart solutions to the issues we face here in Wakehurst. Here are some of the recent wins my team and I have achieved for our community.
As many of you know, I have been a long-standing advocate for the domestic violence sector, so I was very pleased to secure a commitment by the NSW government to roll out the successful Staying Home Leaving Violence program across Northern Sydney. Supported by stronger domestic violence laws that make it harder for those accused of serious domestic violence to be released back into the community, I believe these changes will make it a little easier for those impacted by the scourge of domestic violence.
I know the cost-of-living crisis is biting hard across our community. I hear it every day. That is why I am so passionate about helping access cost savings from electrifying your home or business. From 1 November, solar/battery and battery-only systems will be subsidised by the NSW Government. This will reduce energy bills and boost the reliability of the electricity grid.
There will also be subsidies to join Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). VPPs group the power produced by rooftop solar and stored in batteries, so it can be released into the electricity grid where and when it’s needed, enabling households and businesses to collectively share their capacity. See my website for more information.
Oh, and get ready to ride an electric bus! I am thrilled Brookvale bus depot will be the first depot in Greater Sydney to go all electric. Having electric buses rolling across the northern beaches will be a powerful symbol of the sustainable future that awaits us.
I hope you are seeing benefits from the extra bus services and timetable upgrades that came into effect on 31 March. The quality of our bus services, in terms of frequency, reliability and capacity, particularly in the Forest area, has been totally unacceptable. My team and I continue to work with the Bus Industry Taskforce and the bus companies, so please keep letting my office know where improvements can be made.
I am very pleased the Audit Office of NSW has now commenced their performance audit of Northern Beaches Hospital and will use the Auditor General’s new follow-the-dollar provisions. But securing the performance audit is just one aspect of my advocacy to ensure the top-quality health services for our community. With “safe staffing” nurse-to-patient ratios being rolled out across NSW public hospitals, I am very concerned that the Northern Beaches Hospital will fall behind.
I wish to thank the NSW Health Minister, the Hon. Ryan Park MP for agreeing to my request that the Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce investigate how to extend public nurse-to-patient ratios to the Northern Beaches Hospital.
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