As we head into winter and hopefully some crisp clear days, don’t miss the new lookouts at North Head. After significant work the new lookouts are open and spectacular. The lookouts conclude the multi-million upgrade to our precious North Head National Park. A great investment by the previous NSW Liberal Government.
Recently I hosted the Defence of Sydney ceremony at North Head. I was joined by over 300 people from local RSLs, schools and other community organisations to recognise the night that war came to Sydney in 1942 when three Japanese midget submarines entered the harbour and sunk the HMAS Kuttabul. The event has been running for 27 years. Everyone is welcome to attend, and I hope to see you next year.
During the election, some unsuccessful candidates claimed they were the only ones who would do anything about offshore drilling near our coastline. Well, they were wrong then and they’re wrong now. On the 8th of June I was joined at Manly beach by NSW Liberal Opposition Leader Mark Speakman, Shadow Environment Minster Kellie Sloane and Member for Pittwater Rory Amon. We stood with 11 climate and environment groups to announce that we have introduced legislation to finally put an end to Pep-11. This legislation will ban infrastructure related to the exploration and extraction of oil and gas being placed in New South Wales waters. Surely something NSW Labor will support?
Don’t miss the Manly Business Chamber’s NAIDOC week celebration on Wednesday the 5th of July from 6-8pm, this will be held at the Royal Far West in Wentworth St Manly. It will be an evening of conversation with myself as host and special guest Garry Farrar, a proud Wiradjuri man. Please register with the Manly Business Chamber (by heading here) if you wish to attend.
*Follow James Griffin MP’s updates, announcements and initiatives at www.jamesgriffinmp.com and follow @jamesgriffinmp on socials. And to read past Tawny Frogmouth monthly Manly updates from James Griffin MP, head here.