The Patyegarang Planning Proposal PP-2022-3802 (also known as the rezoning of Lizard Rock) is environmentally reckless and goes against good planning principles. It would see the destruction of large swathes of bushland and place many homes and people in an area with high bushfire risk and limited infrastructure. Seriously, have we not learned from the most recent of bushfires?
Clearing 45 football fields of high value bushland for up to 450 low density housing sites is outdated, un-strategic and risky. More greenfield low-density housing, in areas without pre-existing infrastructure is not what our State, city or electorate needs.
The Northern Beaches Council has a comprehensive plan for more homes, including a higher proportion of affordable homes in strategic locations – this is what the community wants, and this is the most sustainable, and fair way to tackle our housing crisis.
As your former Mayor, Northern Beaches Council rejected this proposal and now as your State MP, I am seeking your support to put an end to this seriously flawed planning proposal by making a submission to NSW Planning.
We know the local community overwhelmingly does not want this development. Now is the time to make our voices heard. We need as many submissions as possible to remind the decision makers this development does not make sense!
You can find submissions details on my website www.michaelreganmp.com
Submissions close on 7 November, so please take action now! Together, we must raise our voices and stop this destructive proposal, which is not in the public interest. It must be stopped.
Authorised by Michael Regan MP. Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements.