Northern Beaches Council is tackling the issues associated with the spike in e-bikes, launching an education and behavioural change campaign to help riders know the road rules, ride safely and respect other road uses.
“We’ve had to act swiftly with the rapid influx of e-bikes on our streets and in the absence of legislative change of the road rules by the state government”, says Mayor Sue Heins. “We strongly advocate for cleaner forms of transport like bike riding because they are good for our physical and mental health, and the environment, but we know members of the community no longer feel safe walking on our footpaths and there have been some serious collisions and many near misses. Unfortunately, we don’t want it to be a matter of not “if” but “when” someone will get seriously injured or worse.
The e-bike code is:
1. Slow down to walking pace when others are on the path.
2. Ring your bell and call ‘on your right’ to let others know you’re approaching.
3. Be ready for sudden changes – people, pets and prams can be unpredictable.
Northern Sydney Sector Highway Patrol Command Inspector Stuart Forbes has been a strong advocate of not only promoting responsible riding, but a culture of safety and awareness for all road users. “We’re sending a clear message: safety and following the road rules is everyone’s responsibility. Since July last year we have had hundreds of reports and complaints involving e-bikes in the Northern Beaches Police Area Command. Highway Patrol continue to be proactive in education and enforcement with e-bikes.”
Bicycle NSW CEO Peter McLean supports the e-bike Safety Campaign and commended Council for tackling this issue. “E-Bikes are changing the way we commute but we need to ensure that this change is not just positive but also safe and respectful to all road users. This campaign aims to highlight awareness, respect, tolerance, and safety.”
Council has been working closely with local stakeholders to inform the campaign, and will now work further with local schools to provide resources and access to a range of information to assist in improving the knowledge of students using e-bikes.
The facts:
- E-bikes are subject to the same road rules as bicycles. To be considered a bicycle it cannot be propelled exclusively by a motor. In Australia, e-bikes must not assist pedalling past the speed of 25km/h.
- Under 16s are legally allowed to ride on footpaths, and they can be accompanied by an adult.
- Bicycle riders must keep to the left on footpaths and give way to pedestrians.
- All bicycle riders must wear a helmet and have a bell on their bike to warn others of their approach.
- While e-bikes sold in Australia meet the legal requirements, there is currently no quality control over e-bikes purchased and shipped from overseas retailers.
- Personal e-scooters cannot legally be ridden on public roads and paths in NSW, only on private property.
- Bicycles are not allowed in pedestrian malls such as The Corso at Manly.
“As we kick off our e-bike safety campaign, let’s remember that safe riding isn’t a destination; it’s a journey we must all take together,” Mayor Heins said.
Head here to find out more about Northern Beaches Council’s e-bike safety campaign