Anybody who lives in the Northern Beaches will swear we are the best, however it’s fantastic that independent consulting group, SGS’s Wellbeing Index, confirmed that the Northern Beaches is the best place to live and Tripadvisor’s visitors rated Manly as the best beach in Australia in 2024.
This didn’t happen by accident; it took a lot of hard work and many difficult decisions, but all designed with our community’s future in mind.
Long term Councillor and current Mayor Sue Heins said, “It is the outcome of having a team of independent councillors consulting with the community then working together, discussing issues, crafting solutions and then voting for what their community want, not on party lines. We want to protect our environment which is one of the reasons we love living here and ensure appropriate development is in the right places.”
Our Council has over $5.5 Billion worth of community assets, that would make NBC the same scale as an ASX-listed 100 company. We have a responsibility to our community to manage these assets in a way that best delivers service to our community.
“We are delivering new projects as well, including: the award-winning Long Reef Surf Club, the long-awaited Warriewood Community Centre, and the new amenities at Shelly and Little Manly beaches. The Northern Beaches is proudly Independent, compassionate and is a socially progressive community,” said Cr Ruth Robins of Narrabeen ward, a passionate advocate for community services and organisations.
All this work has helped create our vibrant dynamic community. The community enjoys events for families, a 24/7 library that has been a success, community and youth programs, arts and creative spaces, childcare and vacation care to name a few.
Cr Sarah Grattan said, “We’ve been working very hard on making the Northern Beaches Council financially sustainable without severely cutting services, despite successive State governments shifting millions of dollars of costs onto council and having supported our community through unprecedented events like COVID pandemics, storms, and floods.”
Our team is made up of skilled, talented, experienced, community candidates. Rich in life experience, a blend of old and new faces. Working for you, our community.
Your Northern Beaches Independent Team is putting up a team of locals at the upcoming Council elections with a passion for local community.
With experienced Councillor Sue Heins ably taking the reins from Michael Regan MP (who can’t stop wearing orange ties and his trademark cheeky grin), we assure you YNBIT will always be a strong, independent voice for you.
The Northern Beaches is Australia’s best place to live. Let’s keep it that way and help us by getting more involved at yournorthernbeaches.com.au
If you want to keep the Northern Beaches independent, remember to vote 1 for Your Northern Beaches Independent Team on Saturday September 14!
Authorised by Penny Philpott. 697 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why, NSW 2099