Ava at just four-years-old and in only a little over six months, has already amassed 1200+ followers on Instagram as people all over the world follow her and her family’s inspirational story of overcoming adversity living with hearing loss.
At birth, Ava was diagnosed with a rare condition called Treacher Collins syndrome which affects the growth of tissue and bone in her face. This has resulted in Ava’s ears not developing properly and her experiencing hearing loss.
Her “little ears,” as she describes them, lack a typically developed middle and outer ear, however her inner ear (cochlear) does function and as such, she was eligible to receive a hearing aid which was fitted when she was just three weeks old.
By her side every step of the way has been Ava’s parents, Selin and Jonathan. It was Selin who set up the Instagram page to advocate for children with Treacher Collins and celebrate the joy that is felt when someone you care about deeply overcomes the odds to surprise and delight in the most unexpected ways.
Originally, Selin believed that her child would never be able to hear and was understandably distraught and confused. When she was told that Ava could be fitted for a hearing device her incredulous response was, “What do you mean? Hearing devices? She doesn’t have any ears!”
However, after being referred to The Shepherd Centre, a not-for-profit providing specialised programs for children with hearing loss and their families, Selin discovered not just hope, but a new, positive outlook on Ava’s future.
“Finding out she would be able to hear my voice, that she would be able to hear songs, and it’s just in a different way. It’s definitely opened up a whole world to us that we didn’t even know existed.”
Ava is now well on her way to meet all her listening, speaking and socialisation goals thanks to the determination of her parents and the help of her Speech Therapist, Sally, at The Shepherd Centre.
“Ava absolutely adores Sally, and calls The Shepherd Centre, ‘Sally’s house,’” Selin says. “She says we are going to visit Sally’s House, like she’s stepping into someone’s home.”
With Ava’s future looking bright and a career as a social media ‘influencer’ a real possibility, Selin is able to reflect on her and Ava’s time at The Shepherd Centre.
“I didn’t realise at first how much of a big role The Shepherd Centre was going to play in our lives. I just feel constantly grateful to even have access to this support and it’s just such a beautiful organisation. I can only say positive things about The Shepherd Centre, I will always be so incredibly grateful for everything they’ve done for us and continue to do,” concludes Selin.
Assist Ava on her influencer career pathway by following @littlefacelens on Instagram
Learn more about The Shepherd Centre and the vital services they provide for over 1000 families with children with hearing loss at shepherdcentre.org.au
All donations very much welcomed and make a huge difference.