New(ish) year, fresh start, which means new health goals are in their prime. And we have
the perfect one for you all.
We’ve all seen this number thrown around – 10,000 – as the ideal number of steps to hit every single day to optimise our health and wellbeing. We’re going to go through the science which will tell us how accurate this number is, and what health benefits you are gaining in the process.
Let’s clear something up to start. 10,000 steps is not necessarily the ‘perfect number’ to hit, although it’s a very good target. Fun fact, this number was created as a marketing campaign for a pedometer in the lead up to the 1964 Tokyo Olympics in an attempt to encourage people to be more active. Currently, the research does not indicate just one number to achieve better health outcomes. Instead, they have found an increase in step count leads to a decrease in all-cause mortality (death from any cause) regardless of age, gender and weight. The greatest decrease in risk came from higher step counts – 10,000 and above. So basically, for someone who has low everyday activity levels, an increase of just 1000 per day will help change the path of their future health dramatically.
Could this be your best place to start? Walk 1000 more steps per day and make it a regular habit to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. At the same time, it can reduce joint pain and stiffness, enhance your mood and improve sleep, cardiovascular fitness and body composition.
If you’re feeling stuck on a decision or your brain can’t solve a problem, taking a walk (especially on the Northern Beaches) helps clear your mind and get the creative juices flowing.
Adding exercise to a day can feel like a real task, and maybe you cannot see how to add more when life gets so busy. Here are some more creative ideas on how you can add walking each day (keeping in mind that around 30 minutes of moderate paced walking typically equates to 3000-4000 steps).
- Parking a 5–10-minute walk away from where you need to be.
- Taking the stairs.
- Having an active lunch break.
- Utilising public transport.
- For a little extra, getting off a stop or 2 earlier.
- Adding a bout of walking on a treadmill after a strength session.
- Walking around while talking on the phone.
- Doing house chores.
- Catch up with friends/ loved ones with a walk (pick up a coffee on the way too for a little extra motivation) to connect.
So how many steps are you taking? We challenge you to just take 1000 steps more on average this week and see how you feel. The benefits of these little ‘incidental’ bouts of exercise are enormous, and 100% outweigh the effort it takes. Investing your time in your health is the best thing you can do for your present and future self. Let’s go!
VAMOS Strength Training is a new and unique gym concept for people who want to get stronger for life. Located in Balgowlah/Manly Vale on Roseberry Street (directly under Aldi).
Find out more at vamosstrength.com