Dr Sophie Scamps MP is proposing a tax-free threshold of $20,000 for small businesses, which will create tax savings of up to $5,000 a year.
Browsing: Dr Sophie Scamps Independent
The previous NSW government pledged $7.5m to Northern Beaches mental health services. Dr Scamps will ensure this vital funding is fully spent.
More than 1.3million Australians are affected by diabetes, with the number diagnosed with the condition set to rise rapidly in coming decades
Dr Sophie Scamps MP is holding a people’s jury on housing, an all-day gathering where 30 Mackellar residents tackle housing affordability
Australia’s climate policies have been put on notice as surfers and onlookers of all ages took part in the youth-led Paddle for Change.
Dr Sophie Scamps MP has a community-led approach to unearth solutions for the housing crisis affecting so many people on the Northern Beaches
Schools and athletes have been left in the lurch with the closure of the Narrabeen track due to dangerous bubbling of its synthetic surface.
Dr Sophie Scamps MP met with Naked Chef Jamie Oliver for insights on how make it easier for Aussie kids to make better, healthier food choices.
Join the free ‘Fire and the Forest’ panel event to hear from experts on how we can best prepare for the Northern Beaches bushfire season.
A quarter of children are above the healthy weight range, and obesity is a leading cause of chronic disease costing at an estimated $12 billion a year in Australia. We need legislation because it is clear that industry self-regulation has failed. For too long, Australia has given those that profit from unhealthy foods the ability to set their own rules and influence government policy.